Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Joke of the day...

Just thought despite my busyness this week, I'll post this one - short but funny!

I was driving back to office with another pretty girl colleague, R in my car after lunch last Friday. As we drove pass a fruit stall outside a coffee shop, I was suddenly craving for guava. Since R felt like having fruits too, I stopped the car by the road side and she jumped down to buy fruits.

When she's back, she was holding quite big a plastic bag so I was curious what she bought...So we the below conversation happened:
Me : So what did u buy? Looks like a big bag there?

R : OH, I bought pineapple, and lembau guava...

Me : WHAT? Lembau guava??? Is this new type of special guava or what? I havent heard of it before...Nice?

R (BURST out laughing) : Sorry, pleave forgive my poor cantonese! I said "leong-bau" guava (meaning 2 packs of guava)!

HAHAHAHAHA!!! We both ended up laughing out loud in the car like crazy women while having our "lembau" guava!!! Kakakaka...


  1. hahaha.. the "lembau" sure taste good har.. hahahaha

  2. I love guava, they have the highest amount of vit c. Even better than orange and ribena.... lol.

  3. don't laugh like that lar... My cantonese also not good ler...

  4. zewt, daniel - good joke huh?

    dio - yea, i love guava too!

    sean - dont take it personal, but sometimes these not-so-well-spoken cantonese can really be funny ler...anyway i learnt cantonese the hard way too, having friends all laughing at me when i speak last time! haha...
